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Writer's pictureLance Bridges


“I love you,’ someone whispers. But what does he mean? What is she trying to say? What is love anyway? If someone asked you to define love, what would you say?

Today the word love is tossed around loosely and far too casually. The phrase I love you can now mean “I have feelings for you,” “I admire you,” or “I want to go to bed with you.” Song of Songs reminds us of the true meaning of marital love as God intended it.

Love, real love in the context of marriage, is a rock-solid, unwavering, undying commitment to care for, enjoy, and build up your mate. Within the security of this total commitment, intimacy and vulnerability –the keys to excitement and fulfillment in marriage–have a chance to grow and flourish. (Wow! This has been something I’ve been thinking and talking about a lot lately. The text says, a real love is an “undying commitment to care for, enjoy, and build up your mate.” And when you have that kind of commitment, intimacy and vulnerability grows and flourishes causing total fulfillment and excitement in your relationship. Wow!!! That’s what I’m talking about!)

Modern society is confused about love. Motion pictures and TV productions often portray love as man meets woman, they are physically attracted to each other, they have sex, they enjoy each other’s company for a time, then get tired of each other and split up, leaving behind two hurt people and often some sad and devastated children.

Sex without marriage and committed love makes you vulnerable without the undergirding support of trust. It feels good, but it is cheap because it is based on a fleeting feeling and not on a deep commitment. It destroys trust.

The writer of Song of Songs (Solomon) suggests a different set of events. First comes loving commitment, then marriage, then sexual intimacy. Commitment and trust are the foundational stones to a wonderfully romantic, intimate, and fulfilling marriage. They give you the freedom to grow and explore your relationship without the fear of rejection or abandonment.

In this book’s beautiful example of married love, the writer also gives us a picture of our relationship with God. In the same way that commitment is necessary for the most fulfilling marriage, so also complete devotion is necessary between God and his people. (Yes, Lord!) Anything that becomes more important to me than God, anything I do to become more intimate with sinful ways, is, in a sense, an adulterous affair that breaks the trusting relationship between God and me. (Yes, Lord! Help us put you first, above all things!)

And so Song of Songs teaches us that commitment is at the heart of the most intimate of all relationships – a person and God – and the most intimate of human relationships – a husband and wife.” (Touch Point Bible) (Yes, Lord!!!)

Lord, thank you for your Word today! Thank you for allowing us to embark on the study of another one of your amazing books. In this study, open our minds and hearts to receive your knowledge, understanding, and wisdom on the topic of love. Help us apply this knowledge, daily, to our lives and relationships. Lord, we love you!

May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


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