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Writer's pictureLance Bridges

Psalm 44 - For the choir director: A psalm of the descendants of Korah.

In this song of praise, the psalmist claims they are blameless, but are they really? Here’s the psalm in its entirety: “ O God, we have heard it with our own ears – our ancestors have told us of all you did in other days, in days long ago: You drove out the pagan nations and gave all the land to our ancestors; you crushed their enemies, setting our ancestors free. They did not conquer the land with their swords; it was not their own strength that gave them victory. It was by your mighty power that they succeeded; it was because you favored them and smiled on them. (Yes, Lord! Our victories are not because of our own strength!)

You are my King and my God. You command victories for your people. Only by your power can we push back our enemies; only in your name can we trample our foes. I do not trust my bow; i do not count on my sword to save me. It is you who gives us victory over our enemies; it is you who humbles those who hate us. (Yes, Lord!) O God, we give glory to you all day long and constantly praise your name.

But now you have tossed us aside in dishonor. You no longer lead our armies to battle. You make us retreat from our enemies and allow them to plunder our land. You have treated us like sheep waiting to be slaughtered; you have scattered us among the nations. You sold us – your precious people – for a pittance. You valued us at nothing at all.

You have caused all our neighbors to mock us. We are an object of scorn and derision to the nations around us. You have made us the butt of their jokes; we are scorned by the whole world. We can’t escape the constant humiliation; shame is written across our faces. All we hear are the taunts of our mockers. All we see are our vengeful enemies.

All this has happened despite our loyalty to you. We have not violated your covenant. Our hearts have not deserted you. We have not strayed from your path. Yet you have crushed us in the desert. You have covered us with darkness and death. (I don’t believe these statements. I don’t believe they have not done something to violate God. God’s Word says the heart is wicked, which makes many of our thoughts wicked! And as a result, we are always in need of God’s grace, mercy, and forgiveness.)

If we had turned away from worshiping our God or spread our hand in prayer to foreign gods, God would surely have known it, for he knows the secrets of every heart. For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.

Wake up, O Lord! Why do you sleep? Get up! Do not reject us forever, why do you look the other way? Why do you ignore our suffering and oppression? We collapse in the dust, lying face down in the dirt. Rise up! Come and help us! Save us because of your unfailing love.” (Psalm 44) (Why does God not show up sometimes in our suffering and pain? Is He really ignoring us? Or is He GROWING us? Wow!!! In this very moment, I know He is growing and molding us. He is taking us through the fire, so in the end we are GOLD. Lord, you are amazing!)

Lord, thank you for your Word today! Thank you for this amazing revelation, for our trials, pain, suffering, and sorrows are magnificently churned into this wonderful process of personal growth. And in its final stages, Lord, we are new, renewed, and/or improved creatures of Christ. Lord, thank you! We love you!

May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


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