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Writer's pictureLance Bridges


Hello, Good People! To God be the glory! We have made it to Proverbs! I am providing the introduction to Proverbs today, but, unfortunately, we will not have a lesson for the next two weeks. God willing, we will resume our lessons on May 15th. However, don’t let that stop you from studying. Make time for God each and every day, as I will be doing the same. Here’s the introduction to start your journey in Proverbs, and to initiate life-changing transformation. May God continue to bless you!

“‘DEAR SO - AND-SO, what should I do?’

Each week thousands write to advice columnists in newspapers and magazines, searching for counsel. It’s big business, especially today, because life has become so complicated.

We need wisdom – divine wisdom – to sort it all out. What should I do with my money? How do I raise my children? Who can I really trust? How do I know if I’m marrying the right person? What will make me truly successful? Why do some people seem to be out to get me? How do we sort out all the choices life has to offer?

Life is often confusing. Where can we turn for answers for wise counsel, for sound advice? The book of Proverbs is a good place to start. It is a guidebook for wise living in modern times, or any time, because it is made up of timeless truths that apply to all generations.

A timeless truth is a wise saying that, if followed and applied to life, brings positive results to your efforts – orderliness, success, contentment, happiness, security. And the proverbs found here are more than just wise sayings; they are divine wisdom itself, for they come from the mind of God, who is the author and creator of life.

Read and apply the timeless truths found in the book of Proverbs, and you will not only experience positive results from your efforts, but these results will have eternal significance – God himself will shower you with divine blessings, give you guidance for your next move, offer discernment in difficult situations, and help you see the difference between right and wrong, important and trivial, wise and foolish, temporary and eternal.

When was the last time you asked someone for advice or counsel? Why did you ask that particular person? What did you expect to learn? Let the book of Proverbs be one of your advisers. Read it regularly to be in touch with divine wisdom and to learn what God considers to be effective daily living. See if it doesn’t change the way you approach life’s daily grind. (Yes, Lord! Teach us the way of YOUR living. Help us choose you as our #1 advisor.)

But it is not enough just to read and know these wise sayings. We must live them out day by day. We must obey and apply them. The world is full of people who have all the right information but don’t properly act upon it.

Proverbs offers the divine wisdom we need in order to live successfully in God’s eyes. Our challenge is to follow it day by day.” (Touch Point Bible)

Lord, thank you for your Word today! Help us choose you as our first, second, and third choice to advise us in our daily lives. As your Word says in Matthew, “Seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Lord, help us come to you FIRST in everything we do, in every decision we make! Thank you for blessing us with another amazing book to study your Word. Help us apply your teaching, from the book of Proverbs, to our lives each day. Lord, we love you!

May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


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