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Writer's pictureLance Bridges

Numbers 7 - Offerings of Dedication

Not much to unpack in this chapter. It describes the events when the Tabernacle was first erected, and the dedication process for 12 days from each of the 12 leaders of Israel. Though it is longer than most chapters, it is repetitive; therefore, making this summary short and sweet.

When Moses set up the Tabernacle, as God had instructed him to, he anointed it and set it apart as holy. The Tabernacle is where Moses spoke to God; it’s where God resided, and because God “lived'' in that space, it needed to be holy. As a result, God instructed Moses to present several rules, regulations, and procedures to the Israelites when they were in or around the Tabernacle. The people were also instructed to bring various offerings to the Lord for their sins and other actions so they could be “clean/holy”. The leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel (Jacob’s 12 sons/grandsons), brought their offerings to the Lord. The Lord instructed Moses to distribute the offerings to the Levite clan because they were responsible for the construction and breakdown of the Tabernacle whenever the Israelites moved or traveled. In addition to the offerings, the leaders of the 12 tribes also brought dedication gifts for the altar. They did this for 12 days….The Lord said to Moses, “Let each leader bring his gift on a different day for the dedication of the altar.” (Numbers 7:11) Each leader brought the same offering consisting of silver, gold, grain, incense, and various animals.

Lord, Thank you for your Word today. May we present our whole selves as a gift to you. We love you!

“May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


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