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Writer's pictureLance Bridges

Nehemiah 10 - The People Agree to Obey

There will be no lessons for the week of May 9th; therefore, lessons will resume on May 16th, God willing.

In this chapter, all the people who had separated themselves from the pagan people, committed themselves to an oath to follow God’s law. The chapter begins, “The document was ratified and sealed with the following names:” (Nehemiah 10:1) At this point the text lists several names of priests, Levites, and leaders who signed the document.

The text continues, “The rest of the people – the priests, Levites, gatekeepers, singers, Temple servants, and all who had separated themselves from the pagan people of the land in order to serve God, and who were old enough to understand – now all heartily bound themselves with an oath. They vowed to accept the curse of God if they failed to obey the law of God as issued by his servant Moses. They solemnly promised to carefully follow all the commands, laws, and regulations of the Lord their Lord.

The Vow of the People

We promise not to let our daughters marry the pagan people of the land, nor to let our sons marry their daughters. We further promise that if the people of the land should bring any merchandise or grain to be sold on the Sabbath or on any other holy day, we will refuse to buy it. And we promise not to do any work every seventh year and to cancel the debts owed to us by other Jews. (Wow…now we know where the Credit Reporting Committee adopted their canceling debt terms…straight from the Word of God!)

In addition, we promise to obey the command to pay the annual Temple tax of an eighth of an ounce of silver, so that there will be enough money to care for the Temple of our God. This will provide for the Bread of the Presence; for the regular grain offerings and burnt offerings; for the offerings on the Sabbaths, the new moon celebrations, and the annual festivals; for the holy offerings; and for the sin offerings to make atonement for Israel. It will also provide for the other items necessary for the work of the Temple of our God.

We have cast sacred lots to determine when – at regular times each year – the families of the priests, Levites, and the common people should bring wood to God’s Temple to be burned on the altar of the Lord our God, as required in the law.

We Promise always to bring the first part of every harvest to the Lord’s Temple – whether it be a crop from the soil or from our fruit trees. We agree to give to God our oldest sons and the first born of all our herds and flocks, just as the law requires. (Does this mean that they will sacrifice their oldest son???) We will present them to the priests who minister in the Temple of our God. (OK…maybe they give them to the priests to raise and educate them in the Word of God. But how would the priests be able to accommodate the first born of every family? As usual, if anyone knows, finds out, or has relevant information to share, please place a comment.) We will store the produce in the storerooms of the Temple of our God. We will bring the best of our flour and other grain offerings, the best of our fruit, and the best of our new wine and olive oil.. And we promise to bring to the Levites a tenth of everything our land produces, for it is the Levites who collect the tithes in all our rural towns. A priest – a descendant of Aaron - will be with the Levites as they receive these tithes. And a tenth of all that is collected as tithes will be delivered by the Levites to the Temple of our God and placed in the storerooms. (There you go…the church has to receive those tithes and offerings that turn into Cadillacs. LOL!) The people and the Levites must bring these offerings of grain, new wine, and olive oil to the Temple and place them in the sacred containers near the ministering priests, the gatekeepers, and the singers.

‘So we promise together not to neglect the Temple of our God.’” (Nehemiah 10:28-39)

Lord, thank you for your Word today! Help us recommit ourselves to you and do what is pleasing to you. We love you!

May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


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