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Writer's pictureLance Bridges


“A plane goes down. An earthquake hits. A madman bombs a building. Christians and non-Christians alike die. Where was God? Does he really care?

Why do good people suffer? Why do Christians get sick, lose children, watch mates die, lose their homes or jobs? Shouldn’t those who truly love God be exempt from such tragedies? Does God really love us? Does he care when we hurt? Does he notice devout men and women dying in seemingly senseless ways? Where are you, God?

The book of Job shows us how a faithful and godly man responded to intense and mind-boggling tragedy.

Could God have protected Job from these tragedies? Of course. Can God protect you from tragedy? Absolutely. Does he? Many times. Then why doesn’t he always? Because, in reality, there are more important issues we need to be thinking about than just our own well-being. (My interpretation...IT IS NOT ABOUT US! And God’s plans are not our plans. His Word says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8) Therefore, there are things that make sense to God that may never make sense to us, and we simply have to accept it and trust in God's plan for our lives no matter how short, long, or painful it may be.)

How did Job make it through these tragedies with his faith intact? How could these tragedies actually have strengthened his relationship with God?

Job never allowed his tragedies to cause him to doubt God’s love and care for him. He refused to let go of the greatest hope available to all mankind – that there is a loving God who wants a relationship with his people and who promises them an eternal home full of love, peace, and wholeness. Give up that hope and you doom yourself to a life of despair. Give up that hope and tragedy becomes senseless, adversity becomes endless frustration, and faith turns to doubt, anger, and bitterness.

God is here. God cares. God loves. If you never lose hope that this is true, you can turn your tragedies into triumphs.” (Touch Point Bible)

Lord, thank you for your Word today! In all of our tragedies, trials, pain, and hurt, help us never doubt your love for us. As we read the book of Job, help us develop the resilience, faith, and commitment of Job. We love you!

May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


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