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Writer's pictureLance Bridges

Isaiah 28 - A Message about Samaria

In this chapter, the Lord promises to crush Samaria because they refused to listen to God’s simple words. Here’s how the chapter begins: “Destruction is certain for the city of Samaria – the pride and joy of the drunkards of Israel! It sits in a rich valley, but its glorious beauty will suddenly disappear. Destruction is certain for that city – the pride of a people brought low by wine. For the Lord will send the mighty Assyrian army against it. Like a mighty hailstorm and a torrential rain, they will burst upon it and dash it to the ground. The proud city of Samaria – the pride and joy of the drunkards of Israel – will be trampled beneath its enemies’ feet. It sits in a fertile valley, but its glorious beauty will suddenly disappear. It will be greedily snatched up, as an early fig is hungrily picked and eaten.” (Isaiah 28:1-4)

The chapter continues with confirmation that the Lord tries to get our attention several times to inform us, instruct us, guide us, and/or correct us. “The priests and prophets reel and stagger from beer and wine. They make stupid mistakes as they carry out their responsibilities. Their tables are covered with vomit; filth is everywhere. They say, “Who does the Lord think we are? Why does he speak to us like this? Are we little children, barely old enough to talk? He tells us everything over and over again, a line at a time, in very simple words!” (Wow! When God speaks to us, it’s not one and done. He continues to show us and tell us His thoughts, so we are sure His plans are understood. When He talks to us, He makes it clear what He wants with clear, repetitive, and simple words, so we are not confused. Maybe that’s why the bible says that “God is not the author of confusion.” Lord, you are amazing!)

Since they refuse to listen, God will speak to them through foreign oppressors who speak an unknown language! God’s people could have rest in their own land if they would only obey him, but they will not listen. So the Lord will spell out his message for them again, repeating it over and over, a line at a time, in very simple words. Yet they will stumble over this simple, straightforward message. They will be injured, trapped, and captured. (Wow! Lord, help us act on your guidance, for it is not that we are not recognizing your voice, we are, simply, ignoring your voice. Lord, thank you!)

In the rest of the chapter, Isaiah continues to speak to the people of Israel and shares the consequences of not listening to the Lord. As usual, read the rest of the chapter for yourself, draw some conclusions, make some connections, and strive to deepen your knowledge.

Lord, thank you for your Word today! Help us seek your voice, so we are prepared for it when you speak to us. You come to us multiple times to guide us, so there is no excuse. Never again can we say, “We didn’t recognize your voice”. Lord, help us always listen and take action on the guidance you give us.

May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


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