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Writer's pictureLance Bridges


“How did I ever get into this situation? Why? Now what?” You have probably asked these questions before, perhaps many times. You may be asking them now as you survey your present situation. How do you decide what to do next? How will you get yourself out of this one?

Esther could certainly have asked these questions. Esther was a Jewish orphan, likely a teenager, who had become queen of Persia through an incredible series of events.

But then a high government official tricked the king into signing an edict ordering all the Jews of the kingdom to be killed in one massive ethnic purging. The only person in the world who could influence the king to save the Jewish people was young Esther. But even the queen could not walk into the presence of the king without an invitation. To do so was to invite death. For Esther it must have been a “how and why” time. To do nothing meant the death of all her people, possibly even herself. To go to the king could cause her own execution.

The story of Esther is in many ways the story of all of us. Suddenly we find ourselves in the midst of circumstances beyond our control. And then, like Esther, we come face to face with a series of choices. Many of these choices involve moral issues: What is the right thing to do? It might mean the loss of our comfort, our popularity, or even our own life. We may hesitate, like Esther did, but to retreat behind the safety and comfort of the walls we have built around ourselves is actually the most dangerous thing we can do, because it means we have chosen against God and threatened our very souls.

What are you dealing with that is beyond your control? How did you get there? Realize that these are not the key questions. The key question is, Now what? What can I do to turn this difficult situation into something that serves God and others? Perhaps God has brought you into this situation “for such a time as this,” so that you can turn your adversity, problems, weakness, sorrow, or grief into a special opportunity to do something wonderful for God and others.

Lord, thank you for your Word today. Thank you for using the story of Esther to stir our own thoughts about challenging situations each of us may be facing. As we read the Book of Esther, help us to turn to you for guidance, leaning not on our own understanding, but trusting in you completely, so that you can direct our paths. We love you!

May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


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