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  • Writer's pictureLance Bridges


“What a temptation!  You’re alone in a strange place, far from home.  No friends or family are nearby.  Then along comes an opportunity to engage in a new adventure, something you know is wrong and would displease family, friends, and God.  But who will ever know?

Daniel and his friends were deported to Babylon in 605 B.C.  For the most part, the captives were not forced into slavery.  Instead, they were allowed to assimilate into the culture.  Far from home, they had grand opportunities to advance in the service of a pagan king.  They could make names for themselves, win royal favor, become somebodies in a powerful empire.  Tempting?  Perhaps it was, but Daniel and his friends resisted the temptation.  They would remain faithful to God, no matter what. (Yes!!!)

We should follow Daniel’s example not only of remaining faithful but also in the manner in which he remained faithful.  Daniel and his friends were gracious and respectful in standing firm for God. (Yes!

Every child who has attended Sunday school knows about Daniel.  The wonderful stories of Daniel and his friends refusing the king’s food.  Daniel’s three friends in the fiery furnace, the handwriting on the wall, and Daniel in the lions’ den are favorites.  These four stories are highlights of the first half of Daniel’s book.

The four stories actually cover a wide span of time.  The first event, Daniel refusing the king’s food, was about the time Daniel arrived in the land, in 605 B.C.  The second story followed shortly after, when Daniel was still a young man.  But the stories of the handwriting on the wall and Daniel in the lions’ den followed about 66 years after the other stories, when Daniel was in his 80s.

In the second half of the book, Daniel tells of the future:  what would happen before Messiah came and the future beyond our day, embracing events at the end of time.  While the first half of the book tells the compelling story of faithfulness to God in a faraway land, the second speaks of the need for those in the last days to be faithful to the end.  Those times may be filled with uncertainty and despair, but God’s faithful who remain true to him will be rewarded for their faithfulness. (Yes, Lord!)

The need for faithfulness to God is reflected throughout the pages of this book.  Whatever the circumstances, we must remain true to him, in simple challenges away from home or in the massive conflicts that may appear in the last days.”  (Touch Point Bible)

Lord, thank you for your Word today!  Thank you for allowing us to reach another of your amazing books, filled with stories of victory and faithfulness!  Help us embrace the book of Daniel and develop the desire to be as faithful as he was.  Lord, you are awesome and we love you!

May the Lord bless you and protect you.  May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.  May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


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