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Writer's pictureLance Bridges

1 Samuel 1 - Elkanah and His Family

In this chapter, Hannah is teased by Elkanah’s other wife for not having any children, but one day she prayed to the Lord and the Lord remembered her prayer. The chapter begins, “There was a man named Elkanah who lived in Raman in the hill country of Ephraim. He was the son of Jeroham and grandson of Elihu, from the family of Tohu and the clan of Zuph. Elkanah had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah. Peninnah had children, while Hannah did not. Each year Elkanah and his family would travel to Shiloh to worship and sacrifice to the Lord Almighty at the Tabernacle. The priests of the Lord at that time were the two sons of Eli -- Hophni and Phinehas. On the day Elkanah presented his sacrifice, he would give portions of the sacrifice to Peninnah and each of her children. But he gave Hannah a special portion because he loved her very much, even though the Lord had given her no children. But Peninnah made fun of Hannah because the Lord had closed her womb. Year after year it was the same -- Peninnah would taunt Hannah as they went to the Tabernacle. Hannah would finally be reduced to tears and would not even eat.” (1 Samuel 1:1-7)

Being a man, Elkanah could not really understand Hannah’s sadness associated with not having any children.

One day, Hannah went to the Tabernacle to pray to the Lord. “Eli the priest was sitting at his customary place beside the entrance. Hannah was in deep anguish, crying bitterly as she prayed to the Lord. And she made this vow: “O Lord Almighty, if you will look down upon my sorrow and answer my prayer and give me a son, then I will give him back to you. He will be yours for his entire lifetime, and as a sign that he has been dedicated to the Lord, his hair will never be cut.” (1 Samuel 1:9-11)

Eli saw her praying and first thought she was drunk, but after understanding her sorrow, he said, “Cheer up! May the God of Israel grant the request you have asked of him.” “Oh, thank you, sir!” she exclaimed. Then she went back and began to eat again, and she was no longer sad. (1 Samuel 1:17-18) Wow...the peace of prayer, faith, and an encouraging word!

The text continues, “The entire family got up early the next morning and went to worship the Lord once more. Then they returned home to Ramah. When Elkanah slept with Hannah, the Lord remembered her request, and in due time she gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, for she said, “I asked the Lord for him.” (1 Samuel 1:19-20)

Hannah nursed her son until he was weaned, and the chapter ends with her taking Samuel to the Tabernacle and giving him to Eli, the priest. She said, “I am the woman who stood here several years ago praying to the Lord. I asked the Lord to give me this child, and he has given me my request. Now I am giving him to the Lord, and he will belong to the Lord his whole life.” And they worshiped the Lord there.” (1 Samuel 1:26-28)

Lord, thank you for your Word today! Thank you for the peace you provide to those who love you. Help us to recognize the favor you are ready to deliver to each of us with a little faith and prayer. We love you!

May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


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