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Writer's pictureLance Bridges


"The sun peeks over the horizon and sends its glorious rays of light across the sky, painting clouds and landscape with a full range of colors. It is a new day, and you are so glad to see it. The night has been long, filled with fears and worries. Perhaps it was a crisis call in the middle of the night bringing an abrupt end to a peaceful night of sleep. Or perhaps you merely recited your problems, feeling overwhelmed by the threat of each one. Now a new day, a new dawn, somehow brings hope that things will turn out all right. But how?

A few years ago, there was a popular series of movies called Back to the Future. That would be a good title for 1 Chronicles. This Bible book was written after a long, dark night in Israel’s history. Following the glory days of David and Solomon, Israel floundered under poor leadership, then divided into the northern and southern kingdoms. Evil king followed evil king. At last, weakened by sin and poor leadership, the divided kingdoms were conquered by pagan kings, and their choicest people were dragged into captivity.

After Solomon, Israel wallowed through a long night of despair. Now the day was dawning. The captivity was over. It was time to plan and build for the future.

The book of 1 Chronicles was written after Israel and Judah were destroyed and taken captive. Now, looking forward to returning to their homeland and starting over, the writer chooses first to look back and tell the story of how the people got into this mess in the first place. By looking at the past, maybe they could avoid the same mistakes in the future.

Are you facing a new day, a new chapter in your life? Are you on the other side of a long night of family problems, money problems, school problems, or other problems? Are you now ready to move ahead to the future? Stop! Remember! Reflect! Look back before you look ahead. Look back so that the future becomes clearer. Remember your heritage and how God led you to this point. Remember your roots and how they have impacted your life. Learn from the mistakes and successes of others, especially as they relate to their walk with God. Reflect on God’s wonderful way of working in your life.

Look back so that you can look forward, and then the future won’t seem so uncertain." (Touch Point Bible)

Lord, thank you for your Word today! As we begin the book of 1 Chronicles, help us reflect on our own lives, remembering the events that have shaped who and where we are today...recognizing your presence in all of it. Help us see your covering, your deliverance, your corrections, and your guidance in those change and thought provoking moments so we can move ahead to the future with confidence, knowing you will continue to be by our side.

May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


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