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Let God's daily bread grow your faith, so you are spiritually healthy and prepared to live your best life.  This is my personal journey with God and golf.

This is my 3rd time reading the bible from beginning to end, and each day I have learned something completely new.  I say that to say….I am no scholar with God’s Word!  This is my personal journey, my personal adoration, love, excitement, and reverence, but also my doubts, questions, misunderstandings, and fears.  It’s a daily journey I’ve committed myself to, and the only difference now is that I’m inviting each of you to embrace it with me.

“May the Lord bless you and protect you.  May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.  May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)

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Joshua 9 - The Gibeonites Deceive Israel

In this chapter, the Gibeonites find a way to deceive Israel. People across the land, as far north as the Lebanon mountains, were afraid...

Joshua 8 - The Israelites Defeat Ai

In this chapter, the Lord reestablishes himself with the people of Israel and provides a plan to Joshua to conquer the city of Ai. The...

Joshua 7 - Ai Defeats the Israelites

In this chapter, the Israelites are defeated by a small town because the Lord is no longer with Israel due to a soldier who stole items...

Joshua 6 - The Fall of Jericho

The people of Jericho were afraid of the Israelites, so the gates to the city were tightly shut and no one was allowed in or out. In...

Joshua 5

In this chapter, Israel reestablishes covenant ceremonies and Joshua meets the Lord’s commander. The chapter begins highlighting how the...

Joshua 2 - Rahab Protects the Spies

In this chapter, Joshua sends out two spies to gather information around the city of Jericho, and a woman named Rahab strikes a deal with...

Joshua 1 - The Lord’s Charge to Joshua

In chapter 1, the Lord informs Joshua of his responsibilities, and afterwards, Joshua embraces his leadership role. The Lord said, “Now...


Has there ever been a time that you felt defeated? Maybe you lost something very important to you -- a job, your best friend,...

Deuteronomy 34 - The Death of Moses

This is the final chapter in the Book of Deuteronomy. Moses dies and my heart is heavy; my eyes have filled with tears as I type these...

Deuteronomy 32 - The Song of Moses

This chapter is a continuation of the previous chapter. Moses recites the song God wanted him to teach to the people of Israel as a...

Deuteronomy 29

In this chapter, Moses reviews the covenant with the people of Israel. He begins by reminding them of everything the Lord did for them...

Deuteronomy 28 - Blessings for Obedience

In chapter 28, Moses describes the blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience to the people of Israel. He begins, “If you fully...

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