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Let God's daily bread grow your faith, so you are spiritually healthy and prepared to live your best life.  This is my personal journey with God and golf.

This is my 3rd time reading the bible from beginning to end, and each day I have learned something completely new.  I say that to say….I am no scholar with God’s Word!  This is my personal journey, my personal adoration, love, excitement, and reverence, but also my doubts, questions, misunderstandings, and fears.  It’s a daily journey I’ve committed myself to, and the only difference now is that I’m inviting each of you to embrace it with me.

“May the Lord bless you and protect you.  May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.  May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)

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1 Samuel 14 - Jonathan’s Daring Plan

In this chapter, Jonathan restores faith in Israel’s army. The chapter begins, “One day Jonathan said to the young man who carried his...

1 Samuel 12 - Samuel’s Farewell Address

In this chapter, Samuel reminds the people of Israel of what the Lord has done for them, and he instructs them to refrain from turning...

1 Samuel 11 - Saul Defeats the Ammonites

In this chapter, Saul demonstrates his favor with God and proves to the people of Israel he is worthy to be king. The chapter begins,...

1 Samuel 10 - Samuel Anoints Saul as King

This chapter is a continuation from the previous chapter, and in this chapter Samuel introduces Saul to the people and prophesies several...

1 Samuel 9 - Saul Meets Samuel

In this chapter, God smacked some donkeys on their butt (my interpretation), they jumped the fence, Saul goes looking for them, and Saul...

1 Samuel 8 - Israel Requests a King

In this chapter, the people of Israel want a king even after Samuel warns them of how they will be treated. Here’s the chapter in its...

1 Samuel 7 - Samuel Leads Israel to Victory

In this chapter, the Ark returns to Kiriath-jearim and Samuel becomes Israel’s judge. The chapter begins, “So the men of Kiriath-jearim...

1 Samuel 5 - The Ark in Philistia

In this chapter, the Philistines found out that God is not to play with! The chapter begins, “After the Philistines captured the Ark of...

1 Samuel 3 - The Lord Speaks to Samuel

In this chapter, the Lord expresses His plans for Eli and his family to Samuel, and Samuel grows up and becomes the voice of the Lord. ...

1 Samuel 2 - Hannah’s Prayer of Praise

This chapter is a continuation of the previous chapter. The chapter begins with Hannah offering a prayer to the Lord for blessing her...

1 Samuel 1 - Elkanah and His Family

In this chapter, Hannah is teased by Elkanah’s other wife for not having any children, but one day she prayed to the Lord and the Lord...


We are flawed people. Let’s admit it. We are flawed, sinful people. We wish we were more pure, more holy, more what God wants us to be....

Ruth 4 - Boaz Marries Ruth

This chapter is a continuation of the previous one, and Boaz follows through with talking to the other family redeemer about Naomi and...

Ruth 3 - Ruth at the Threshing Floor

In this chapter, Naomi guides Ruth in planning for her future. The chapter begins, “One day Naomi said to Ruth, “My daughter, it’s time...

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