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Let God's daily bread grow your faith, so you are spiritually healthy and prepared to live your best life.  This is my personal journey with God and golf.

This is my 3rd time reading the bible from beginning to end, and each day I have learned something completely new.  I say that to say….I am no scholar with God’s Word!  This is my personal journey, my personal adoration, love, excitement, and reverence, but also my doubts, questions, misunderstandings, and fears.  It’s a daily journey I’ve committed myself to, and the only difference now is that I’m inviting each of you to embrace it with me.

“May the Lord bless you and protect you.  May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.  May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)

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2 Kings 17 - Hoshea Rules in Israel

In this chapter, the consequences of worshiping other gods has finally caught up to the Israelites. The Promised Land that God had given...

2 Kings 16 - Ahaz Rules in Judah

In this chapter, we find out God’s plan for Judah, and why He sent others to attack Judah, the place where God promised the seed of David...

2 Kings 15 - Uzziah Rules in Judah

In this chapter, the title, “King of Israel”, changed hands several times over a short number of years by way of assassinations. May be...

2 Kings 14 - Amaziah Rules in Judah

In this chapter, King Amaziah challenges Israel to a battle, and though he has done what was pleasing to the Lord, he is no match for his...

2 Kings 13 - Jehoahaz Rules in Israel

In this chapter, it is confirmed that the Lord continues to allow the enemies of Israel to defeat them because they continue to worship...

2 Kings 12 - Joash Repairs the Temple

In this chapter, Joash establishes a plan to repair the Temple of the Lord. The chapter begins, “Joash began to rule over Judah in the...

2 Kings 11 - Athaliah Rules in Judah

In this chapter, a scorned mother takes vengeance on the royal family, and kills part of her own family and relatives, but she is...

2 Kings 10 - Jehu Kills Ahab’s Family

In this chapter, Jehu pleases the Lord by killing all of Ahab’s family, as well as, all of the Baal worshipers in Israel. But then he...

2 Kings 9 - Jehu Anointed King of Israel

In this chapter, we find out why it was noted at the end of chapter 8 that King Ahaziah of Judah had gone to visit King Joram of Israel. ...

2 Kings 7

This chapter is a continuation of the previous chapter. In chapter 6, the Aramean army surrounded Samaria, causing famine in the city. ...

2 Kings 6 - The Floating Ax Head

In this chapter, God continues to show up for Elisha, proving he is a true prophet of Israel. Here’s the chapter in its entirety: “One...

2 Kings 5 - The Healing of Naaman

In this chapter, Elisha opens the eyes of a pagan worshipper and brings him into the kingdom of God. Here’s the chapter in its entirety:...

2 Kings 4 - Elisha Helps a Poor Widow

In this chapter, Elisha demonstrates the power of God by supplying a woman in debt with more than enough to pay her bills, raising a...

2 Kings 3 - War between Israel and Moab

In this chapter, King Jehoshaphat, again, joins forces with the king of Israel; this time, it's with King Joram, Ahab’s son, and again,...

2 Kings 2 - Elijah Taken into Heaven

In this chapter, Elisha becomes Elijah’s successor when God sends a chariot from the heavens to carry Elijah, a walking, talking, and...


“The crowd is hushed as a jewel-studded crown is reverently placed on your head. Seated on your throne, clad in opulent robes, you have...

1 Kings 22 - Jehoshaphat and Ahab

This is the last chapter of 1 Kings. In this chapter, the king of Judah, King Jehoshaphat (My boy!), teams up with King Ahab to fight...

1 Kings 21 - Naboth’s Vineyard

In this chapter, King Ahab demonstrates that he is certainly not a “Man’s Man”, and as a result, Jezebel, his wife, operates as if she is...

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