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Let God's daily bread grow your faith, so you are spiritually healthy and prepared to live your best life.  This is my personal journey with God and golf.

This is my 3rd time reading the bible from beginning to end, and each day I have learned something completely new.  I say that to say….I am no scholar with God’s Word!  This is my personal journey, my personal adoration, love, excitement, and reverence, but also my doubts, questions, misunderstandings, and fears.  It’s a daily journey I’ve committed myself to, and the only difference now is that I’m inviting each of you to embrace it with me.

“May the Lord bless you and protect you.  May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.  May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)

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Hosea 3 - Hosea’s Wife is Redeemed

In this short chapter, the Lord tells Hosea to go get his wife and love her in spite of her love for adultery.  This will illustrate the...

Hosea 1

In this chapter, the Lord’s first instructions to Hosea, a prophet, was to marry a prostitute to illustrate how the people of Israel have...


“All your life you’ve dreamed of the wonderful person you would one day marry.  Oh, maybe the details aren’t clear, but you know the...

Daniel 12 - The Time of the End

In this last chapter of Daniel, the spirit of the Lord continues to share details about the end times.  Here’s the chapter in its...

Daniel 6 - Daniel in the Lions’ Den

In this chapter, King Darius praises Daniel’s God in front of his entire kingdom.  Here’s the chapter in its entirety:  “Darius the Mede...

Daniel 5 - The Writing on the Wall

In this chapter, Daniel reveals the meaning of the words on the wall, and it does not favor the new king.  Here’s the chapter in its...

Daniel 2 - Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

In this chapter, Daniel demonstrates the power in seeking the Lord for guidance.  Here’s the chapter in its entirety:  “One night during...


“What a temptation!  You’re alone in a strange place, far from home.  No friends or family are nearby.  Then along comes an opportunity...

Ezekiel 48 - Division of the Land

This is the last chapter of the book of Ezekiel, as Ezekiel lays out the details of the division of land to each of the tribes.  Here’s...

Ezekiel 47 - The River of Healing

In this chapter, the Lord continues to provide a vision and tour of the Temple to Ezekiel, as the Lord’s tour guide describes a healing...

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Battle Creek, MI

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